Board Attendance: Dave, Edwin, Claire, Max, Steve, Aldwin, Nima, Luke, Bichen
Open Session Minutes
Scoring Applications
Public discussion on scoring applications, continued from the previous open session. The general decision is that scoring applications WILL NOT be used for NAO or any other national events without additional discussion. For regional, club hosted opens the use of a scoring application is left to the discretion of the tournament organizer, however to be considered as a NARMA qualifier, the usage of the application must be all or nothing to ensure consistent competitive experience per the WRC rules. A table may not opt out.
Canadian Events
The current structure was unclear. Some players assumed that Canadian events would be counted based on the current organization name, as they are North American events. Others assumed they would not be counted because the application process says that US organizations may apply. However, it does not say that Canadian events may not. There is an east/west divide where many players in the east consider inclusion of Canadian tournaments as a nice to have, where the west coast player base sees this as further increasing the geographical imbalance of open tournaments for qualification purposes.
WRC Rules Ambiguities
The documents are up for board interaction, and shared with Gemma. A suggestion is being made to make the lower penalties the default and make the current harsher penalties something like a championship level. There was public opinion that some items, such as an empty call only being a dead hand in the harsher rules, should be a dead hand throughout. There’s some desire to mix and match a few of the elements and we can further discuss this with Gemma. Gemma has requested a meeting with the board to discuss.
Tournament Observers
At least one dedicated NARMA observer must be present, but any number of people may be an observer if they choose. There was a suggestion to modify the feedback form for electronic entry, and to add the opportunity for anonymous feedback to the website.
Prize Structure for Events
Legality varies from state to state, and TOs are strongly encouraged to review the local laws and/or receive legal advice to protect themselves. Regarding the prizes themselves, it is encouraged to provide an entry fee breakdown to show where the money is going and how much of it is covering operational costs versus going into the prize pool. For example, the $1500 prize pool may seem large for RNO 2024, but at 180 people, which is the cap and the number required to trigger that prize tier, it amounts to less than 10 dollars per person from the total entry fee being used for the cash prizes.
Closed Session Minutes
Due to the length of the open session, many points of discussion were tabled until the next board meeting:
Rebranding and name suggestions
Minimum activity, attendance and service requirements for NARMA board members
Additional discussion and a written guidance for cash prizes in events
Application for Eligibility
A player originally filled out the form as ineligible due to attempting to qualify in another country.
That player is living in the US and has re-entered the information and intends to qualify here.
The board has no determined no reason to reject this request. Points from placement in qualifiers were reinstated.
Scoring Applications
Usage allowed at TO discretion.
“Opt out” is not allowed. All tables must use it in order to maintain a consistent competitive environment.
If using a personal device it should be placed flat on the table, in do not disturb mode, so the whole table can see it.
The board has suggested a sandbox mode or demo version be created so players may familiarize themselves with the interface prior to the event.
Canadian Events
For this cycle they will not be allowed as qualifiers.
For the next cycle we will revisit.
Additional discussion surrounding the lack of events in some West Coast areas and how to grow the tournament scene there to provide a better geographic balance.
NAO Announcement
To be announced ASAP.
Using Discord and various club social media outlets to advertise.
Dave to work on additional graphics and logo.
Penalty Levels
At TOs discretion.
Currently the mods and rules as written do not allow a mix-and-match approach to rules levels.
Additional discussion needed with WRC around the rules and documents drafted, meeting to be scheduled with Gemma.
Action Items:
Board meeting decision summary to discord - Max
Announcement of NAO to discord and socials - General, board members to share with their own clubs, discord spaces and social media outlets
Graphic Design for NAO - Dave
Update of Observer Form for Entry - Unassigned
Schedule meeting with WRC for penalty and other rules discussion - Steve
Next Meeting Scheduled for April 15, 8PM ET/5PM PT