ARA Meeting Agenda
November 18, 2024
Meeting Minutes
ARA General Meeting 18NOV2024
Board Members in Attendance: Dave, Steve, Bichen, Luke, Claire, Edwin, Nima, Max
Open Session
Board Special Elections begin with a short introduction from each of the candidates:
2025 Invitational
Put together a plan and submit to WRC
Autotables, discussion on 5 or 6 hanchan per day
Google form to submit commentary and format design
Voting begins
Working Group Updates
Many things in progress, nothing major to report
Shoutout to Laura for work with the ARA socials
Rules and Judging
Steve had an online meeting with Gemma and Sylvain to iron out final draft of lower penalties mod
No changes to accidentally revealing tiles, being reviewed and revised higher up
ARA and WG free to begin implementing strike system based on new draft
Update from Nathanael as Tamas is away
Trello board made with major action items
Import data looks good, see additional updates from Tamas on discord
Tournament has concluded
USA made a valiant effort, but variance was not on our side
Tourney-in-a-box is ready to share
Luke requests more input for the event hosting document on different types of paid event spaces
Club-in-a-box is a new resource being worked on
Nothing to report at this time for the WG
$4k raised for the Extra Life Open
2028 Cycle
Presentation about the plan for the 2028 qualification cycle
Discussion ongoing
Open Floor
Request for something in the Bylaws about discrimination – already in the works, the Code of Conduct was removed from the Bylaws to make it more agile in editing and will need ratification by the Assembly
Reminder to register and pay for the ARA Invitational
There is a vote in the assembly to approve a new club
Closed Session
The new Saikouisen pros are technically double dipping on WRC qualification, but this is a Saikouisen issue, and they need to finalize a solution (e.g. get a letter from Saikouisen to have relinquished their ability to qualify for WRC 2025 via the pro org)
Autotable in repair for the invitational
Next Meeting December 16th, 2024