ARA Meeting 8/19/24

ARA Meeting Minutes

August 19th, 2024

Open Session

Board Members in Attendance: Luke, Bichen, Dave, Nima, Edwin, Claire, Max, Steve, Aldwin

Working Groups Updates

Tech Working Group:

  • Tamas just got back from Europe. Nothing to report at this time but the WG hopes to have another demo ready for the next meeting.

Outreach Working Group:

  • Lots of outreach initiatives going on but nothing specific to report.

Rules and Judging Working Group:

  • Still waiting for WRC to approve the lower penalties draft. Lots of additional WRC initiatives are slowing down the process.

  • Tamas passed the WRC ref exam while in Europe (congrats!) and shared some information about it. WRC is hoping to be able to provide this exam in the US and it has 3 sections:

    • General reffing questions

    • Scoring hands

    • Chinitsu hands

  • The WG has had some discussion on certain outlying cases and is working with WRC to get answers.

  • Some discussion on active vs. passive ref for events.

Education and Resources Working Group:

  • Luke has a google doc style guide for the tournament-in-a-box that follows a basic checklist for running a tournament including pairing using a Good Enough Golfers style system so others can run their events using it.

  • Request for additional information added from board members and community members about venues and hotels as part of the overall package (Claire and Dave offered to help edit)

Other Business

Professional Organizations

  • WRC pro test announcement soon and looking for an option for an online test thereafter

  • Nothing new from Saikouisen


  • 2nd qualifying round has been completed

  • Next two sessions aren’t until mid-September due to competing events

  • A rules clarification is needed from IORMC about kiriage mangan

Community conversation about positive tournament experience - summary of points

  • Unnecessary actions at the table may worsen the experience, like revealing someone’s waits at ryuukyoku

  • Players often do not know how to challenge a ruling or appeal to the head judge

  • Assurance that time will be given back for judge calls should be clearly announced

  • How do we address chronic slow play?

  • Some people when having issues, will not call a judge, nor will they give feedback to the observer or TO, but they will tell their friends and then gossiping starts

  • Actively judging behavior, introducing a table strike tables that are too loud, giving a strike to noticeable bad behavior which will include individuals acting out and tables that might happen to be too familiar with each other that banter too much

  • Suggestion for an open and reserve division as the tournament scene grows

  • When your game is done, go to the waiting area and do not linger and make conversation in the play area!

Bylaws Proposal

  • A two-tiered structure consisting of:

    • A council with a single voting representative from every eligible club that serves to ratify measures from the board.

    • An executive board that leads working groups and other projects. These board members do not get votes on the council unless they are also serving as club representative.

  • Yearly elections are held with 4 seats up for reelection each year. A term is 3 years in length.

Questions from the community about bylaws:

  • What constitutes a club? Some guidelines are being discussed:

    • At least 12 people affiliated with the club inside the ARA database

    • Meetings at least once per month in a public location

    • Some sort of public facing available information such as a website

  • Can two people in the same club be members of the board?

    • Yes, the executive board has no voting power, but they get to direct the organization through the closed session and working groups.

    • The board may internally decide on initiatives and how to carry them out, but all final proposals are ratified by the club council.

  • Accelerated election cycle to allow people to get on the board?

    • A special election is planned for seats as we expand the board

    • Our WRC qualification cycle has worked well this year and too much turnover may hurt that continuity

    • 4 seats/year should be sufficient

  • Votes of no confidence?

    • Suggestion that a 75% vote of no confidence can remove a board member

Closed Session

Sparrows Nest tournament on Oct. 26-27 approved. Needs to be announced soon or it will not count for qualification. Registration will open at a time that is not overlapping with NAO or travel periods surrounding it.

Etiquette data to be sent to the rules & judging WG for recording and adding to the pertinent sections of the tourney-in-a-box documents.

Establishing the Club Council and developing a system for asynchronous voting:

  • Need club info: discord information, club name, number of people, location, frequency of public meetups

  • Outreach WG responsible for initial list of clubs, to be registered by the Tech WG when the application goes live

  • When the council is formed, they can be responsible for approving additional clubs

  • Google forms will work for voting, especially for ranked-choice

Next Meetings Sept. 16 (bylaws special meeting), Sept. 30 (general meeting)

Possibly no meeting held in October because there is a tournament every weekend, if so the general meeting will be held as early in November as possible.