PUBLIC meeting starts at 9PM EST this time around to ensure that west coast folks can attend and discuss their concerns. Closed meeting will start afterwards.
Closed Meeting Agenda Items
Rebranding name options
Minimum activity levels required for board members
App usage for WRC Qualifiers/NAO
WRC qualification ranking issues including
How to update/display people attempting to qualify via another country
How to handle point fractions
Canadian events that would like to apply to participate in the NARMA qualification system
Updates on the NAO announcement
WRC Rules Feedback document and establishing a process for submitting rules questions and recording answers/resolutions to those questions
Mailing list and Social Media
Adoption of WRC lower penalties as the standard for tournaments?
Selection/Approval process for NARMA Observer @ tournaments
Process to submit anonymous suggestions/comments outside of tournaments (via Observer)
North American Nationals being hosted @ Sparrow’s Nest in NYC - space/format/price considerations and the option for it to be an all-autotable event
Prize structure for NARMA-certified events
Meeting Minutes
To be posted after the conclusion of the meeting